Sultan Ahmet (Blue) Mosque 29 Jun 2022

The Sultanahmet Mosque has a significant place in the famous silhouette of Istanbul as seen from the sea. Known as the "Blue Mosque," its real name is the Mosque of Sultan Ahmet I. Constructed to represent its true purpose, the architect Mehmet Aga, decorated the mosque with a jeweler's care. Built in the years 1609- 1616, the mosque was within a large complex. The main entrance to the mosque is on the side facing the Roman-era Hippodrome. Surrounded by an outer courtyard, the inner courtyard and the building itself is on a high podium.
View from the breakfast cafe on the roof of the Hotel Dersaadet. East facing.
West facing - in the courtyard between the two mosques . The minarets rise to 210 feet, and each has either two or three balconies.
The interior of the mosque was under going extensive renovations and repairs. Much was closed off to view. But even so...
The name of the mosque comes from the blue color used in later repairs. The last repair, done its 1990, changed the color from a dark tone to its original soft…
sultan's loge, shaped like a balcony.Beside the mihrab across from the main door is a beautifully worked marble minber. On the other side is the sultan's loge,…
The interior is a vast area; the main and the side domes rise front wide, pointed vaults on top of four huge columns. The walls of the balconies which encircle…
Until recently the Sultan Ahmet Mosque was the only mosque in Istanbul that has six minarets and this provoked hostility at the time. Such a display was…
From the gates of the Hagia Sophia. The mesh visible between the minarets is lit at night to display a verse from the Quran.